all postcodes in N18 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
N18 2AA151.613116-0.063609
N18 2AB051.6133-0.063298
N18 2AE051.612995-0.062776
N18 2AF051.613159-0.062408
N18 2AG051.612169-0.062855
N18 2AH051.611-0.06289
N18 2AJ051.610779-0.062553
N18 2AL051.611464-0.062119
N18 2AN051.611348-0.061099
N18 2AP051.610669-0.06081
N18 2AQ051.612136-0.062524
N18 2AR051.61073-0.061212
N18 2AS051.610066-0.059117
N18 2AT051.610368-0.060029
N18 2AU051.611162-0.057987
N18 2AW051.61157-0.060931
N18 2AX051.610998-0.058947
N18 2AY051.610351-0.058441
N18 2AZ051.610077-0.056531
N18 2BA051.610368-0.056172