all postcodes in N18 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N18 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N18 2DG 0 51.611514 -0.054795
N18 2DJ 0 51.610975 -0.054298
N18 2DL 3 51.609689 -0.054295
N18 2DN 0 51.609629 -0.053922
N18 2DP 0 51.610932 -0.053852
N18 2DQ 0 51.610846 -0.05465
N18 2DR 0 51.611761 -0.053455
N18 2DS 0 51.611978 -0.054053
N18 2DT 0 51.612847 -0.052759
N18 2DU 0 51.612625 -0.052393
N18 2DW 0 51.610126 -0.053554
N18 2DX 1 51.612329 -0.05138
N18 2DY 0 51.612269 -0.052061
N18 2DZ 0 51.612557 -0.054245
N18 2EB 1 51.613543 -0.053538
N18 2ED 0 51.613909 -0.056093
N18 2EE 0 51.614368 -0.0572
N18 2EF 0 51.614309 -0.058488
N18 2EG 0 51.614568 -0.058434
N18 2EH 0 51.612537 -0.053624