all postcodes in N18 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N18 1QU 17 3 51.614398 -0.070444
N18 1QX 1 1 51.613094 -0.07375
N18 1QY 21 0 51.615552 -0.072837
N18 1RA 17 4 51.609002 -0.075338
N18 1RE 49 1 51.615045 -0.077004
N18 1RF 20 1 51.616214 -0.075885
N18 1RG 21 10 51.61618 -0.074933
N18 1RH 29 0 51.617985 -0.073687
N18 1RJ 6 0 51.618314 -0.074399
N18 1RL 51 0 51.619115 -0.074015
N18 1RN 0 51.619009 -0.073629
N18 1RP 14 51.616071 -0.073642
N18 1RQ 0 51.617078 -0.074303
N18 1RR 0 51.616981 -0.073325
N18 1RS 0 51.618929 -0.073112
N18 1RT 1 51.618968 -0.072735
N18 1RU 0 51.617883 -0.07242
N18 1RW 0 51.617063 -0.073914
N18 1RX 0 51.616894 -0.072982
N18 1RY 0 51.617588 -0.072505