all postcodes in N19 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N19 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N19 4LE 0 51.563447 -0.123692
N19 4LF 0 51.565841 -0.125356
N19 4LL 0 51.56428 -0.122922
N19 4LN 0 51.564816 -0.122741
N19 4LP 0 51.563509 -0.121987
N19 4LQ 0 51.565998 -0.125047
N19 4LS 0 51.563798 -0.121455
N19 4LT 1 51.56354 -0.122565
N19 4LU 0 51.562895 -0.12181
N19 4LW 0 51.564157 -0.122032
N19 4LY 0 51.564547 -0.125017
N19 4LZ 0 51.563932 -0.124249
N19 4NA 0 51.564108 -0.127358
N19 4NB 0 51.564356 -0.127709
N19 4ND 0 51.564549 -0.127946
N19 4NF 25 51.56622 -0.122264
N19 4NG 1 51.565225 -0.126937
N19 4NH 0 51.565553 -0.126087
N19 4NJ 0 51.565263 -0.12594
N19 4NN 0 51.566049 -0.12445