all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
N2 9AA2051.60172-0.172023
N2 9AB17251.599302-0.172683
N2 9AD14151.598725-0.172183
N2 9AE73151.597031-0.171186
N2 9AF28051.587118-0.156799
N2 9AG1151.597945-0.168287
N2 9AH17351.595452-0.169676
N2 9AJ64051.60005-0.171642
N2 9AL18051.600121-0.172329
N2 9AN19251.5989-0.171901
N2 9AP48051.595752-0.167584
N2 9AR34051.595523-0.167348
N2 9AS321151.591852-0.165446
N2 9AY16951.593192-0.166861
N2 9AZ15051.599683-0.171913
N2 9BA2151.600947-0.172617
N2 9BB1151.593923-0.167582
N2 9BD23151.594227-0.16461
N2 9BE12051.593713-0.167403
N2 9BG6051.594123-0.16521