all postcodes in N21 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N21 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N21 2DT 6 0 51.638495 -0.083454
N21 2DX 1 1 51.632959 -0.099528
N21 2DZ 1 0 51.639646 -0.085126
N21 2EA 18 2 51.641039 -0.095603
N21 2EB 13 0 51.64086 -0.095076
N21 2ED 24 0 51.643503 -0.094488
N21 2EE 28 0 51.643352 -0.095116
N21 2EG 19 0 51.645774 -0.094234
N21 2EH 13 0 51.645308 -0.093776
N21 2EJ 9 0 51.646436 -0.091778
N21 2EL 32 0 51.647373 -0.092996
N21 2EN 1 0 51.646957 -0.090108
N21 2EP 20 0 51.64567 -0.091665
N21 2ER 16 0 51.645211 -0.092769
N21 2ES 19 0 51.643304 -0.093268
N21 2ET 19 0 51.643573 -0.093791
N21 2EU 13 1 51.640258 -0.094017
N21 2EW 5 0 51.633811 -0.084057
N21 2EX 19 1 51.640553 -0.094453
N21 2EY 4 0 51.641869 -0.093501