all postcodes in N22 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N22 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N22 7UA 0 51.598544 -0.132728
N22 7UB 0 51.597274 -0.132001
N22 7UD 0 51.59741 -0.132659
N22 7UE 1 51.597725 -0.133801
N22 7UF 0 51.598077 -0.135014
N22 7UG 0 51.598416 -0.13425
N22 7UH 0 51.598888 -0.13514
N22 7UJ 1 51.598976 -0.136118
N22 7UL 0 51.599188 -0.134189
N22 7UN 2 51.599147 -0.137082
N22 7UQ 0 51.59889 -0.133537
N22 7UR 0 51.600351 -0.137231
N22 7UT 3 51.600753 -0.137042
N22 7UU 0 51.600352 -0.13895
N22 7UW 0 51.599466 -0.13643
N22 7UY 0 51.599456 -0.137286
N22 7WJ 1 51.598606 -0.119687
N22 7WS 1 51.598606 -0.119687
N22 7XA 0 51.599077 -0.126064
N22 7XB 0 51.599478 -0.125846