all postcodes in N2 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N2 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N2 0FD 2 0 51.59385 -0.182907
N2 2AD 0 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2AG 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2DE 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2DF 1 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2DJ 1 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2DN 1 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2DT 1 0 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2EB 1 51.590695 -0.167626
N2 2EE 0 51.590698 -0.1676
N2 2EF 1 0 51.590698 -0.1676
N2 2EH 1 0 51.590698 -0.1676
N2 2EJ 1 51.590698 -0.1676
N2 8AB 8 4 51.589082 -0.164316
N2 8AD 14 2 51.590335 -0.164525
N2 8AE 1 1 51.590416 -0.164677
N2 8AG 61 17 51.590763 -0.165024
N2 8AJ 6 6 51.591761 -0.166013
N2 8AL 1 1 51.593499 -0.168061
N2 8AN 20 6 51.593868 -0.168454