all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1YA 20 0 51.606287 -0.190133
N3 1YB 8 0 51.606437 -0.189405
N3 1YD 4 0 51.606103 -0.189682
N3 1YE 22 0 51.605386 -0.189476
N3 1YG 17 0 51.605972 -0.188961
N3 1YH 12 0 51.606452 -0.188018
N3 1YJ 14 0 51.606277 -0.187765
N3 1YL 23 2 51.607748 -0.187898
N3 1YN 38 0 51.608096 -0.188487
N3 1YP 22 1 51.607879 -0.18704
N3 1YT 3 0 51.607547 -0.187054
N3 1ZA 1 0 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1ZQ 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1LF 1 51.604998 -0.189361
N3 1HZ 0 51.606253 -0.198467
N3 1JT 0 51.597804 -0.201617
N3 1JZ 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1YR 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1YQ 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1BX 8 0 51.606282 -0.191577