all postcodes in N3 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N3 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N3 1BL 19 0 51.600759 -0.200215
N3 1BN 37 0 51.601595 -0.198785
N3 1BP 15 0 51.602526 -0.198773
N3 1BQ 1 1 51.600443 -0.195491
N3 1BS 13 0 51.603326 -0.200532
N3 1BT 42 1 51.603604 -0.200222
N3 1BU 7 0 51.60242 -0.200063
N3 1BY 16 0 51.602534 -0.200827
N3 1DA 11 0 51.6014 -0.201911
N3 1DB 4 0 51.601403 -0.201186
N3 1DD 11 0 51.601974 -0.200647
N3 1DE 39 7 51.601099 -0.194267
N3 1DH 17 1 51.600777 -0.194731
N3 1DN 1 1 51.600706 -0.194806
N3 1DP 32 17 51.599669 -0.195984
N3 1DR 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1DT 10 0 51.599411 -0.196789
N3 1DZ 1 1 51.601389 -0.195006
N3 1EB 61 1 51.605309 -0.197883
N3 1ED 5 0 51.60467 -0.196089