all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 4QL 52 0 51.576501 -0.106153
N4 4QP 35 5 51.57733 -0.106079
N4 4QR 32 1 51.577986 -0.106799
N4 4QS 15 0 51.577704 -0.107185
N4 4QT 15 0 51.57715 -0.107945
N4 4QU 16 0 51.576289 -0.109741
N4 4QX 26 0 51.576887 -0.107627
N4 4RA 21 0 51.576338 -0.107791
N4 4RB 27 0 51.576644 -0.106696
N4 4RD 10 0 51.575803 -0.107481
N4 4RH 26 0 51.575356 -0.108798
N4 4RJ 25 0 51.57579 -0.11005
N4 4RL 8 0 51.576365 -0.110575
N4 4RP 25 0 51.575721 -0.109115
N4 4RR 34 1 51.57581 -0.110713
N4 4RX 1 1 51.560837 -0.131246
N4 4SA 19 0 51.57281 -0.12104
N4 4SB 25 0 51.573288 -0.121078
N4 4SE 42 0 51.57368 -0.120341
N4 4SG 4 0 51.573322 -0.120399