all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N4 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 3DY 30 0 51.569329 -0.118125
N4 3DZ 4 0 51.569608 -0.111825
N4 3EA 14 7 51.566677 -0.107401
N4 3EF 44 6 51.567441 -0.109029
N4 3JF 29 1 51.566864 -0.108559
N4 3EG 70 12 51.568176 -0.110207
N4 3EH 5 0 51.567963 -0.110361
N4 3EJ 37 0 51.569372 -0.110031
N4 3EL 29 3 51.569024 -0.109812
N4 3EN 80 13 51.568362 -0.109842
N4 3ER 35 0 51.567771 -0.108871
N4 3ES 45 12 51.567146 -0.108017
N4 3ET 110 1 51.567565 -0.106686
N4 3EU 70 0 51.568886 -0.106617
N4 3EX 101 1 51.567771 -0.107183
N4 3EY 43 5 51.56961 -0.106947
N4 3GG 1 1 51.562673 -0.108546
N4 3GU 26 0 51.564209 -0.118481
N4 3GY 2 1 51.564045 -0.118357
N4 3HA 63 0 51.569655 -0.108028