all postcodes in N4 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N4 3FB 36 2 51.566418 -0.107669
N4 3FD 46 0 51.563442 -0.109942
N4 3FE 12 0 51.563309 -0.110063
N4 3FF 20 0 51.563007 -0.110277
N4 3FG 36 0 51.563618 -0.110829
N4 3FH 28 0 51.564547 -0.110473
N4 3FJ 4 0 51.563178 -0.10864
N4 3FL 9 0 51.563448 -0.110908
N4 3TD 454 0 51.566327 -0.108711
N4 3TE 87 0 51.566327 -0.108711
N4 3FA 0 51.565798 -0.111434
N4 4AA 17 0 51.572663 -0.119704
N4 4AB 13 1 51.572377 -0.119269
N4 4AD 10 1 51.572983 -0.120052
N4 4AH 12 0 51.573066 -0.120164
N4 4AJ 23 0 51.571985 -0.119473
N4 4AL 16 0 51.5718 -0.119134
N4 4AP 70 10 51.570911 -0.116977
N4 4AS 1 1 51.571213 -0.117859
N4 4AU 60 12 51.57089 -0.116228