all postcodes in N5 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N5 1EL 59 0 51.558911 -0.099469
N5 1EN 20 3 51.559154 -0.098881
N5 1EQ 3 0 51.559722 -0.098973
N5 1ET 15 0 51.559378 -0.098887
N5 1EU 15 0 51.559427 -0.100746
N5 1EX 35 0 51.559608 -0.099714
N5 1HA 33 13 51.560261 -0.098809
N5 1HH 12 0 51.55418 -0.103102
N5 1HJ 42 1 51.548296 -0.098514
N5 1HL 9 0 51.548509 -0.09846
N5 1HN 20 0 51.549748 -0.098394
N5 1HP 22 0 51.549975 -0.098485
N5 1HR 42 0 51.549137 -0.098405
N5 1HS 0 51.549387 -0.099375
N5 1HT 0 51.549388 -0.098928
N5 1HU 0 51.548152 -0.099225
N5 1HX 0 51.548382 -0.099532
N5 1HZ 0 51.54783 -0.100421
N5 1JA 0 51.54756 -0.100418
N5 1JB 0 51.547877 -0.101659