all postcodes in N6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N6 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N6 6EX 2 0 51.565666 -0.146773
N6 6HA 2 0 51.56473 -0.14671
N6 6HD 27 0 51.564712 -0.147836
N6 6HH 8 0 51.56426 -0.14885
N6 6HL 26 1 51.564647 -0.1483
N6 6HN 25 1 51.569436 -0.154916
N6 6HP 4 0 51.570779 -0.152842
N6 6HQ 1 0 51.567332 -0.158378
N6 6HR 7 0 51.56879 -0.156155
N6 6HS 17 0 51.570551 -0.154352
N6 6HT 10 1 51.568103 -0.158217
N6 6HU 1 0 51.568622 -0.156912
N6 6HX 3 0 51.567095 -0.157031
N6 6JA 5 0 51.566887 -0.15753
N6 6JB 6 0 51.564472 -0.155435
N6 6JD 12 0 51.563276 -0.154329
N6 6JH 1 0 51.56289 -0.154388
N6 6JJ 39 0 51.562385 -0.153124
N6 6JL 4 0 51.563035 -0.1533
N6 6JP 6 0 51.564312 -0.153883