all postcodes in N6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N6 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N6 5LN 9 0 51.572062 -0.135603
N6 5LP 22 0 51.573053 -0.133989
N6 5LQ 20 0 51.571141 -0.137632
N6 5LR 18 0 51.57336 -0.134655
N6 5LS 2 0 51.571865 -0.134864
N6 5LT 38 0 51.571549 -0.135566
N6 5LU 28 0 51.57096 -0.136976
N6 5LW 27 0 51.572488 -0.134676
N6 5LX 60 1 51.569675 -0.139871
N6 5LY 1 1 51.569818 -0.138667
N6 5LZ 12 0 51.569202 -0.141203
N6 5NB 20 0 51.574243 -0.135297
N6 5ND 11 0 51.574062 -0.134092
N6 5NE 37 0 51.576516 -0.136117
N6 5NF 10 0 51.576516 -0.13685
N6 5NG 35 0 51.57596 -0.136439
N6 5NH 40 0 51.574169 -0.129542
N6 5NJ 18 0 51.574086 -0.130527
N6 5NP 17 0 51.574063 -0.130773
N6 5NQ 1 0 51.574966 -0.135556