all postcodes in N6 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N6 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N6 5YL 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 5SN 0 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 5SL 1 0 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 5SP 1 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 5ZB 1 51.566183 -0.121432
N6 5AY 21 0 51.573933 -0.127719
N6 5EF 66 0 51.573957 -0.132567
N6 5WB 0 51.577589 -0.137657
N6 5BQ 16 0 51.57057 -0.142446
N6 5JF 1 0 51.571005 -0.147006
N6 5FB 0 51.574233 -0.13279
N6 5FD 0 51.573957 -0.132567
N6 6BA 22 4 51.570956 -0.149242
N6 6AA 20 1 51.567595 -0.152221
N6 6AB 17 0 51.566261 -0.150875
N6 6AD 8 0 51.565071 -0.150087
N6 6AH 8 0 51.564137 -0.149605
N6 6AJ 16 0 51.563724 -0.15079
N6 6AL 13 0 51.563309 -0.150692
N6 6AP 11 1 51.562695 -0.151106