all postcodes in N7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N7 9JU 0 51.549617 -0.121463
N7 9JW 0 51.551822 -0.121588
N7 9LA 0 51.551705 -0.122704
N7 9LB 0 51.550772 -0.124011
N7 9LD 2 51.549575 -0.125604
N7 9LF 1 51.548691 -0.126592
N7 9LG 2 51.547563 -0.127461
N7 9LH 1 51.54821 -0.126843
N7 9LN 12 51.548372 -0.128552
N7 9LP 0 51.549638 -0.126207
N7 9LR 4 51.548692 -0.128323
N7 9LS 0 51.550772 -0.125122
N7 9LT 1 51.55128 -0.124628
N7 9LU 0 51.551037 -0.124794
N7 9LW 7 51.5485 -0.127944
N7 9LX 0 51.551822 -0.12329
N7 9LY 0 51.552279 -0.123762
N7 9NH 8 51.545533 -0.120667
N7 9NS 0 51.543799 -0.125409
N7 9NT 4 51.54457 -0.124165