all postcodes in N7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N7 9FN 69 0 51.547128 -0.125531
N7 9GH 12 1 51.548226 -0.1239
N7 9GJ 12 1 51.548285 -0.123666
N7 9GL 14 2 51.548439 -0.123184
N7 9GN 13 0 51.548516 -0.122907
N7 9GG 2 0 51.547777 -0.125479
N7 9TP 55 0 51.547859 -0.122357
N7 9FR 44 0 51.547733 -0.123458
N7 9GP 60 0 51.5474 -0.124539
N7 9AW 79 1 51.547105 -0.12073
N7 9BF 77 0 51.547105 -0.12073
N7 9DS 80 3 51.553493 -0.113687
N7 9ES 67 0 51.553493 -0.113687
N7 9GR 17 0 51.547035 -0.119723
N7 9GS 79 0 51.547004 -0.12007
N7 9GT 68 0 51.547004 -0.12007
N7 9GU 0 51.547866 -0.118289
N7 9GX 2 51.54827 -0.118258
N7 9FU 35 1 51.553901 -0.114449
N7 9GY 160 0 51.542516 -0.126041