all postcodes in N7 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N7 6JB 1 1 51.558778 -0.120234
N7 6JD 36 11 51.559261 -0.121166
N7 6JG 39 0 51.559876 -0.120275
N7 6JH 6 0 51.561015 -0.117677
N7 6JJ 5 0 51.561286 -0.117938
N7 6JL 67 0 51.560272 -0.120288
N7 6JN 35 0 51.560035 -0.121755
N7 6JP 66 11 51.559789 -0.121984
N7 6JS 51 0 51.560782 -0.120671
N7 6JT 89 0 51.560782 -0.120671
N7 6JU 16 0 51.559888 -0.122121
N7 6JW 53 0 51.560782 -0.120671
N7 6JX 11 1 51.560344 -0.121958
N7 6LA 1 1 51.561106 -0.120744
N7 6LB 2 2 51.560939 -0.123596
N7 6LE 16 5 51.560593 -0.124054
N7 6LF 8 0 51.560271 -0.12362
N7 6LJ 61 3 51.558725 -0.122501
N7 6LR 12 0 51.559673 -0.122765
N7 6LS 6 1 51.558704 -0.121247