all postcodes in N8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N8 8EU 0 51.579234 -0.13134
N8 8EW 0 51.576642 -0.130696
N8 8EX 0 51.578239 -0.130458
N8 8EY 1 51.576642 -0.131245
N8 8GB 0 51.580394 -0.124945
N8 8HA 1 51.579846 -0.124618
N8 8HD 0 51.579354 -0.125331
N8 8HE 1 51.579463 -0.124681
N8 8HG 0 51.579689 -0.125534
N8 8HH 0 51.578927 -0.126807
N8 8HJ 1 51.579178 -0.127301
N8 8HL 0 51.579599 -0.12776
N8 8HN 0 51.58028 -0.12818
N8 8HP 0 51.579683 -0.128493
N8 8HR 0 51.578235 -0.12734
N8 8HS 0 51.57868 -0.127625
N8 8HT 0 51.578367 -0.128651
N8 8HU 0 51.578666 -0.129026
N8 8HY 0 51.577722 -0.128822
N8 8JA 0 51.57944 -0.129643