all postcodes in N8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N8 9EH 12 0 51.574561 -0.122556
N8 9EJ 40 0 51.573529 -0.121331
N8 9EL 47 0 51.574945 -0.120144
N8 9EN 35 0 51.575345 -0.120994
N8 9EP 3 1 51.575607 -0.121012
N8 9ER 11 0 51.575718 -0.119016
N8 9ET 15 0 51.575445 -0.118796
N8 9EU 8 0 51.57545 -0.118536
N8 9EX 24 0 51.57593 -0.119902
N8 9EY 35 0 51.576414 -0.120343
N8 9HA 6 0 51.575881 -0.121289
N8 9HG 100 0 51.581201 -0.119987
N8 9HH 40 0 51.580596 -0.119247
N8 9HJ 33 0 51.579278 -0.118713
N8 9HL 13 0 51.578835 -0.118223
N8 9HN 37 0 51.579321 -0.118261
N8 9HP 14 0 51.578762 -0.116999
N8 9HR 22 0 51.578516 -0.117976
N8 9HS 56 0 51.578349 -0.119282
N8 9HT 1 0 51.578235 -0.118926