all postcodes in N8 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N8 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N8 9LG 31 0 51.577161 -0.11363
N8 9LH 36 0 51.577383 -0.111254
N8 9LJ 44 0 51.577685 -0.111574
N8 9LL 41 0 51.578576 -0.11272
N8 9LN 37 0 51.579951 -0.113804
N8 9LP 55 2 51.579085 -0.112483
N8 9LQ 1 1 51.535964 -0.194669
N8 9LS 1 1 51.535964 -0.194669
N8 9LW 11 0 51.578366 -0.110838
N8 9LY 53 0 51.584326 -0.1139
N8 9NA 44 0 51.584085 -0.11421
N8 9NB 52 0 51.582734 -0.112404
N8 9ND 48 0 51.583274 -0.11241
N8 9NE 29 0 51.582379 -0.111552
N8 9NG 12 0 51.581661 -0.112217
N8 9NH 33 0 51.58067 -0.111522
N8 9NJ 42 0 51.581153 -0.111358
N8 9NL 38 0 51.579468 -0.110071
N8 9NN 43 0 51.579304 -0.110467
N8 9NP 22 0 51.578359 -0.109857