all postcodes in N8 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N8 7EJ 1 51.584857 -0.115766
N8 7EL 3 51.58399 -0.116498
N8 7EP 0 51.586029 -0.113555
N8 7ES 0 51.58434 -0.116667
N8 7EX 0 51.587027 -0.126462
N8 7EY 0 51.587129 -0.128505
N8 7HA 0 51.58757 -0.129471
N8 7HB 0 51.588331 -0.12948
N8 7HD 0 51.588205 -0.128879
N8 7HE 0 51.589201 -0.1293
N8 7HF 0 51.583514 -0.117265
N8 7HG 0 51.589585 -0.129183
N8 7HH 0 51.588207 -0.130164
N8 7HJ 0 51.588596 -0.131418
N8 7HL 2 51.58882 -0.131943
N8 7HP 1 51.58776 -0.133156
N8 7HR 1 51.587615 -0.131722
N8 7HS 0 51.587275 -0.130346
N8 7JA 0 51.584911 -0.122548
N8 7JF 0 51.584718 -0.119467