all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N9 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 0DD 4 0 51.619002 -0.0568
N9 0DG 10 0 51.618341 -0.057088
N9 0DH 21 0 51.618849 -0.05737
N9 0DJ 41 0 51.618884 -0.058365
N9 0DL 20 0 51.620482 -0.058239
N9 0DN 29 0 51.621105 -0.058372
N9 0DP 6 0 51.619805 -0.056983
N9 0DS 13 0 51.620859 -0.059292
N9 0DT 36 0 51.621118 -0.0597
N9 0DU 52 0 51.619314 -0.058853
N9 0DX 56 1 51.619463 -0.059164
N9 0DY 44 0 51.620281 -0.060227
N9 0EA 38 0 51.620904 -0.060374
N9 0EB 18 0 51.620716 -0.060974
N9 0ED 40 0 51.620281 -0.060227
N9 0EE 48 0 51.624841 -0.057013
N9 0EF 72 0 51.624841 -0.057013
N9 0EG 68 0 51.624841 -0.057013
N9 0EH 5 5 51.624841 -0.057013
N9 0EJ 7 3 51.625213 -0.056622