all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 7DH 6 0 51.639196 -0.048494
N9 7DJ 8 0 51.639377 -0.049122
N9 7DL 34 1 51.640216 -0.050907
N9 7DN 28 0 51.640549 -0.053625
N9 7DP 36 0 51.640807 -0.053483
N9 7DQ 16 0 51.63323 -0.056394
N9 7DR 36 0 51.640452 -0.050464
N9 7DS 9 0 51.63969 -0.049022
N9 7DT 13 0 51.640252 -0.048767
N9 7DU 12 1 51.63991 -0.048174
N9 7DW 32 0 51.62756 -0.06152
N9 7DY 12 0 51.628013 -0.061761
N9 7DZ 13 0 51.62686 -0.061102
N9 7EE 8 6 51.628548 -0.056439
N9 7EF 64 0 51.627735 -0.057438
N9 7EL 48 3 51.629808 -0.056501
N9 7EN 1 1 51.629016 -0.056603
N9 7EP 33 14 51.631728 -0.055274
N9 7EQ 24 0 51.626956 -0.057631
N9 7ER 31 11 51.632857 -0.054503