all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 8DP 21 0 51.635685 -0.046087
N9 8DQ 1 1 51.63286 -0.045894
N9 8DR 3 1 51.635973 -0.042317
N9 8DS 36 0 51.635571 -0.043043
N9 8DT 21 0 51.636123 -0.040548
N9 8DU 18 0 51.636526 -0.040429
N9 8DX 7 7 51.636492 -0.041659
N9 8DY 22 2 51.636905 -0.042555
N9 8DZ 8 0 51.636492 -0.041659
N9 8EA 8 0 51.637084 -0.042125
N9 8EB 16 0 51.63808 -0.041967
N9 8ED 16 0 51.638162 -0.042414
N9 8EG 7 0 51.631203 -0.042624
N9 8EH 46 0 51.631974 -0.04249
N9 8EJ 36 0 51.631785 -0.041385
N9 8EL 12 0 51.633685 -0.040465
N9 8EN 10 0 51.634666 -0.040018
N9 8EP 37 0 51.634739 -0.04224
N9 8ER 18 0 51.6348 -0.041024
N9 8ES 33 0 51.634979 -0.042577