all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

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Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 8JG 49 0 51.629717 -0.052253
N9 8JH 44 0 51.629657 -0.051866
N9 8JJ 51 0 51.6297 -0.051185
N9 8JL 7 0 51.631853 -0.050355
N9 8JN 17 0 51.631231 -0.05083
N9 8JP 46 1 51.62981 -0.05079
N9 8JR 13 0 51.628111 -0.051354
N9 8JS 22 5 51.62818 -0.052305
N9 8LA 39 0 51.627807 -0.047668
N9 8LB 31 0 51.628009 -0.050116
N9 8LD 18 5 51.628456 -0.05157
N9 8LE 6 1 51.628296 -0.050046
N9 8LG 22 3 51.629119 -0.049779
N9 8LH 24 0 51.628954 -0.049064
N9 8LJ 20 0 51.628458 -0.049378
N9 8LL 36 0 51.628348 -0.047789
N9 8LN 4 0 51.628278 -0.046683
N9 8LP 35 5 51.628223 -0.046234
N9 8LQ 13 0 51.628727 -0.04838
N9 8LR 63 0 51.628559 -0.045844