all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N9 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 8NU 27 0 51.63323 -0.049906
N9 8NW 56 0 51.632231 -0.048215
N9 8NX 11 0 51.632975 -0.048068
N9 8NY 47 0 51.633923 -0.050455
N9 8PA 54 0 51.634112 -0.049955
N9 8PB 33 0 51.634772 -0.050707
N9 8PD 36 1 51.635136 -0.049868
N9 8PE 56 0 51.635028 -0.050378
N9 8PG 18 0 51.634734 -0.048382
N9 8PJ 42 0 51.634509 -0.047872
N9 8PL 24 0 51.634101 -0.048164
N9 8PP 44 3 51.629933 -0.044152
N9 8PQ 24 0 51.634317 -0.048718
N9 8PR 17 0 51.630024 -0.044755
N9 8PS 28 0 51.631931 -0.043691
N9 8PT 43 1 51.633915 -0.044559
N9 8PU 24 0 51.636635 -0.045916
N9 8PX 10 0 51.634821 -0.044448
N9 8PY 12 0 51.634141 -0.04413
N9 8QA 43 0 51.634267 -0.041943