all postcodes in N9 / LONDON

find any address or company within the N9 postcode district

Postcode Area

N / North London

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
N9 9XZ 26 0 51.619589 -0.06511
N9 9WU 0 51.623343 -0.062682
N9 9WH 6 0 51.622816 -0.063442
N9 9WJ 6 0 51.622923 -0.062802
N9 9YT 42 0 51.623565 -0.064132
N9 9SJ 1 51.628549 -0.074106
N9 9UQ 0 51.623144 -0.065335
N9 9US 0 51.623415 -0.065367
N9 9UU 0 51.623299 -0.06436
N9 9UW 0 51.623221 -0.064017
N9 9XF 0 51.623655 -0.06251
N9 9YD 0 51.624563 -0.061937
N9 9YS 0 51.623789 -0.065163
N9 9YU 0 51.624085 -0.065136
N9 9YW 0 51.624725 -0.062494
N9 9ZW 1 0 51.625315 -0.063393
N9 9YY 90 0 51.624322 -0.063681
N9 9GB 94 0 51.624715 -0.063491
N9 9FB 18 0 51.635694 -0.082127