all postcodes in NE1 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE1 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE1 6SG 15 5 54.971883 -1.610514
NE1 6SN 1 1 54.970567 -1.60923
NE1 6SQ 19 19 54.971766 -1.610406
NE1 6SU 14 14 54.969772 -1.608454
NE1 6TH 2 2 54.970864 -1.609305
NE1 6UF 48 47 54.972946 -1.608363
NE1 6UG 1 1 54.972624 -1.608788
NE1 6UR 1 1 54.973724 -1.607294
NE1 6UW 1 0 54.973111 -1.609502
NE1 6PZ 682 682 54.973585 -1.60039
NE1 6PD 30 0 54.973341 -1.60272
NE1 6BL 5 5 54.971392 -1.608566
NE1 6WZ 1 1 54.96746 -1.615383
NE1 6UQ 2 0 54.973354 -1.607263
NE1 6XA 1 1 54.973239 -1.610048
NE1 6PE 35 0 54.973563 -1.601937
NE1 6NL 1 1 54.97316 -1.599707
NE1 6NB 0 54.973653 -1.608276
NE1 6NQ 0 54.973653 -1.608276
NE1 6NR 0 54.973653 -1.608276