all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 8QW 53 0 54.93838 -1.564621
NE10 8QX 24 0 54.934133 -1.553289
NE10 8QY 37 0 54.935089 -1.551812
NE10 8RA 28 1 54.933377 -1.553017
NE10 8RB 10 0 54.9319 -1.552112
NE10 8RD 17 0 54.933451 -1.548787
NE10 8RE 30 0 54.932328 -1.553512
NE10 8RF 5 0 54.941017 -1.531781
NE10 8RG 12 0 54.941267 -1.531482
NE10 8RH 43 3 54.935299 -1.55028
NE10 8RJ 37 0 54.933076 -1.551787
NE10 8RL 17 0 54.932491 -1.551622
NE10 8RN 17 0 54.932875 -1.5509
NE10 8RP 15 0 54.933187 -1.550069
NE10 8RQ 13 0 54.933391 -1.549583
NE10 8RR 40 0 54.935934 -1.549461
NE10 8RS 14 0 54.934141 -1.548248
NE10 8RT 18 0 54.935179 -1.549267
NE10 8RU 6 0 54.936937 -1.550886
NE10 8RW 16 0 54.940669 -1.532535