all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 8XU 1 1 54.931915 -1.544028
NE10 8XW 55 0 54.951032 -1.537739
NE10 8XX 5 0 54.931906 -1.54406
NE10 8XY 1 1 54.939861 -1.532669
NE10 8YA 3 1 54.936258 -1.519038
NE10 8YB 10 9 54.945685 -1.519222
NE10 8YD 3 1 54.953291 -1.502563
NE10 8YE 2 1 54.936919 -1.513862
NE10 8YF 16 13 54.939549 -1.517376
NE10 8YG 14 9 54.939834 -1.519011
NE10 8YH 70 0 54.944011 -1.529889
NE10 8YJ 45 0 54.952015 -1.531638
NE10 8YP 55 0 54.951151 -1.528916
NE10 8YR 2 2 54.941157 -1.512999
NE10 8YS 2 0 54.943274 -1.505262
NE10 8YW 21 0 54.951582 -1.531034
NE10 8YX 16 12 54.936628 -1.517377
NE10 8ZU 1 0 54.958273 -1.600635
NE10 8UW 22 0 54.949718 -1.537082
NE10 8BW 0 54.938015 -1.538731