all postcodes in NE10 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE10 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE10 9EY 38 0 54.946122 -1.573795
NE10 9HA 37 0 54.946048 -1.575622
NE10 9HB 30 0 54.946554 -1.576507
NE10 9HD 30 0 54.946692 -1.574679
NE10 9HE 11 0 54.946965 -1.573052
NE10 9HF 17 0 54.94897 -1.565927
NE10 9HH 26 10 54.948774 -1.571347
NE10 9HJ 11 4 54.94926 -1.571623
NE10 9HL 3 1 54.949313 -1.571916
NE10 9HP 15 1 54.948509 -1.572802
NE10 9HQ 73 0 54.947566 -1.572937
NE10 9HR 46 0 54.947449 -1.575311
NE10 9HS 32 0 54.948068 -1.574945
NE10 9HT 52 0 54.94791 -1.573511
NE10 9HU 11 0 54.948751 -1.572596
NE10 9HX 16 0 54.94932 -1.57348
NE10 9HY 17 0 54.948459 -1.573926
NE10 9HZ 15 0 54.947538 -1.5725
NE10 9JA 30 0 54.949741 -1.575505
NE10 9JJ 36 0 54.950565 -1.574732