all postcodes in NE11 / GATESHEAD

find any address or company within the NE11 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE11 0NG 2 2 54.934366 -1.611076
NE11 0UE 1 1 54.933189 -1.610575
NE11 0GU 5 54.924853 -1.617475
NE11 0ZH 3 0 54.904537 -1.623968
NE11 0BG 0 54.936756 -1.643391
NE11 0XA 2 54.933563 -1.615687
NE11 0ZJ 9 7 54.932171 -1.615841
NE11 0JL 3 54.928386 -1.617753
NE11 0BP 2 2 54.938313 -1.61725
NE11 0BU 8 6 54.938607 -1.618889
NE11 0BZ 0 54.904307 -1.616468
NE11 0QL 0 54.903751 -1.619452
NE11 0SZ 1 54.93319 -1.622296
NE11 0TL 0 54.903349 -1.614668
NE11 0AF 1 54.935607 -1.61948
NE11 0PR 1 1 54.938487 -1.620842
NE11 0QG 9 1 54.94416 -1.619395
NE11 0QX 1 54.928053 -1.62376
NE11 0PY 1 1 54.930333 -1.625846
NE11 9AB 30 4 54.951713 -1.640827