all postcodes in NE15 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE15 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE15 0DA 1 0 54.997554 -1.792636
NE15 0DB 4 0 54.991098 -1.800968
NE15 0DD 34 0 54.993205 -1.798332
NE15 0DP 2 0 54.995627 -1.791643
NE15 0DR 15 1 54.996715 -1.790827
NE15 0DT 9 2 54.996303 -1.791173
NE15 0DU 5 0 54.996112 -1.790049
NE15 0DW 4 0 54.995713 -1.793177
NE15 0DX 6 0 54.995744 -1.79016
NE15 0DY 20 0 54.994737 -1.789791
NE15 0DZ 36 0 54.99549 -1.788989
NE15 0EA 27 0 54.994832 -1.788102
NE15 0EB 24 0 54.995209 -1.7876
NE15 0ED 15 0 54.9958 -1.786424
NE15 0EE 39 0 54.995188 -1.785787
NE15 0EF 5 0 54.992052 -1.780755
NE15 0EG 2 0 54.989245 -1.779955
NE15 0EH 1 0 54.98922 -1.780114
NE15 0EJ 1 1 54.996483 -1.791626
NE15 0EQ 1 0 54.98922 -1.780114