all postcodes in NE18 / NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE

find any address or company within the NE18 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE18 0BW 0 55.027816 -1.803036
NE18 0DE 0 55.041155 -1.843045
NE18 0DF 0 55.040093 -1.853303
NE18 0LA 0 55.04341 -1.878736
NE18 0LD 0 55.029451 -1.88733
NE18 0LE 0 55.031713 -1.872983
NE18 0LF 0 55.01915 -1.902191
NE18 0LG 0 55.020264 -1.884009
NE18 0LH 0 55.006254 -1.90033
NE18 0LJ 0 55.002062 -1.906109
NE18 0LL 10 55.008992 -1.926366
NE18 0LN 0 55.064898 -1.912961
NE18 0LQ 0 55.016454 -1.891062
NE18 0NA 1 55.042581 -1.876454
NE18 0NB 0 55.048155 -1.862601
NE18 0ND 0 55.054487 -1.888731
NE18 0NE 0 55.062595 -1.862348
NE18 0NF 0 55.063136 -1.875024
NE18 0NG 0 55.067212 -1.890481
NE18 0NH 0 55.05324 -1.869205