all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 5EW 10 0 54.957168 -1.712002
NE21 5EP 18 0 54.958376 -1.709979
NE21 5ER 32 4 54.956898 -1.711723
NE21 5ES 30 0 54.956429 -1.711101
NE21 5EZ 1 1 54.955694 -1.715947
NE21 5HA 18 1 54.960273 -1.706373
NE21 5HH 24 5 54.956183 -1.713586
NE21 5HJ 4 0 54.955953 -1.712179
NE21 5HL 8 0 54.955921 -1.712823
NE21 5HN 8 0 54.955896 -1.713713
NE21 5HS 36 0 54.955293 -1.713499
NE21 5HT 15 0 54.957734 -1.711873
NE21 5HW 26 0 54.955443 -1.712124
NE21 5HX 19 1 54.95533 -1.713936
NE21 5HY 9 0 54.955718 -1.710544
NE21 5HZ 23 0 54.955494 -1.71103
NE21 5JA 11 0 54.954696 -1.71166
NE21 5JB 4 0 54.954326 -1.71194
NE21 5JD 5 0 54.95467 -1.712145
NE21 5JE 34 0 54.953868 -1.711167