all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 6EQ 16 0 54.953578 -1.733997
NE21 6ER 10 0 54.952787 -1.73358
NE21 6ES 26 0 54.952266 -1.733834
NE21 6ET 7 0 54.951825 -1.733306
NE21 6EU 26 0 54.952072 -1.73129
NE21 6EW 9 0 54.952403 -1.734613
NE21 6EX 33 0 54.951439 -1.733527
NE21 6EY 12 0 54.952155 -1.732273
NE21 6EZ 29 0 54.953853 -1.736478
NE21 6HA 6 0 54.954073 -1.73415
NE21 6HB 6 0 54.951498 -1.735822
NE21 6HD 22 0 54.95187 -1.73763
NE21 6HE 12 0 54.952012 -1.736615
NE21 6HF 23 0 54.950494 -1.737343
NE21 6HG 20 0 54.949333 -1.736148
NE21 6HH 22 0 54.951072 -1.738697
NE21 6HJ 31 0 54.950586 -1.738185
NE21 6HL 37 0 54.950841 -1.735342
NE21 6HN 7 1 54.950375 -1.735985
NE21 6HP 15 0 54.949672 -1.735147