all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 6NR 2 54.952971 -1.719433
NE21 6NS 0 54.951971 -1.7146
NE21 6NT 0 54.952089 -1.715208
NE21 6NU 0 54.952429 -1.714378
NE21 6NW 0 54.952127 -1.719876
NE21 6NX 0 54.951069 -1.716854
NE21 6NY 0 54.951606 -1.716023
NE21 6NZ 0 54.950939 -1.715403
NE21 6PF 0 54.953644 -1.727173
NE21 6PG 0 54.952179 -1.727011
NE21 6PH 1 54.950752 -1.732017
NE21 6PJ 0 54.952142 -1.726434
NE21 6PL 0 54.951194 -1.728314
NE21 6PN 0 54.949525 -1.729511
NE21 6PP 0 54.949975 -1.729821
NE21 6PQ 1 54.952014 -1.729339
NE21 6PR 0 54.948758 -1.732139
NE21 6PS 0 54.950697 -1.727349
NE21 6PT 0 54.950768 -1.726943
NE21 6PU 0 54.949854 -1.728245