all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 6QW 0 54.948359 -1.726491
NE21 6QX 0 54.949531 -1.73254
NE21 6QY 0 54.949024 -1.730452
NE21 6QZ 0 54.94823 -1.729255
NE21 6RA 0 54.948585 -1.731173
NE21 6RN 0 54.952388 -1.704901
NE21 6RS 0 54.946669 -1.707764
NE21 6RT 1 54.942814 -1.711757
NE21 6RU 1 54.942516 -1.711181
NE21 6RX 0 54.943803 -1.710989
NE21 6RY 0 54.941411 -1.714889
NE21 6RZ 0 54.941898 -1.714765
NE21 6SA 0 54.942235 -1.71303
NE21 6SD 0 54.944157 -1.712391
NE21 6SE 0 54.944187 -1.713749
NE21 6SF 1 54.943613 -1.715154
NE21 6SG 0 54.943278 -1.71705
NE21 6SH 1 54.94255 -1.713418
NE21 6SJ 0 54.942565 -1.715618
NE21 6SL 0 54.942277 -1.715636