all postcodes in NE21 / BLAYDON-ON-TYNE

find any address or company within the NE21 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE21 4EF 7 0 54.956859 -1.729993
NE21 4EG 36 0 54.957578 -1.730379
NE21 4EH 34 0 54.958192 -1.731405
NE21 4EJ 30 0 54.959386 -1.727165
NE21 4EL 34 0 54.959676 -1.728147
NE21 4EN 31 0 54.958921 -1.72823
NE21 4EP 16 0 54.958724 -1.732557
NE21 4EQ 28 0 54.959222 -1.729946
NE21 4ER 29 0 54.958554 -1.732715
NE21 4ES 26 1 54.958249 -1.733013
NE21 4ET 10 0 54.957917 -1.733359
NE21 4EU 14 0 54.959905 -1.725959
NE21 4EW 53 0 54.958691 -1.729481
NE21 4EX 18 0 54.960768 -1.726313
NE21 4EY 32 0 54.960443 -1.725596
NE21 4EZ 29 0 54.96062 -1.724377
NE21 4HA 15 0 54.960646 -1.723737
NE21 4HB 13 0 54.960708 -1.723346
NE21 4HD 43 0 54.956961 -1.73171
NE21 4HE 35 0 54.956757 -1.732695