all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 7BB 0 55.144967 -1.548397
NE22 7BD 0 55.144306 -1.549487
NE22 7BE 0 55.141174 -1.555421
NE22 7BG 0 55.145177 -1.534965
NE22 7BH 0 55.145055 -1.533539
NE22 7BJ 0 55.144769 -1.534107
NE22 7BL 0 55.145125 -1.532989
NE22 7BP 0 55.136986 -1.546619
NE22 7BS 2 55.134961 -1.557763
NE22 7BT 0 55.156279 -1.550451
NE22 7BY 2 55.151345 -1.553769
NE22 7BZ 0 55.143661 -1.547596
NE22 7DA 0 55.144416 -1.572454
NE22 7DD 7 55.154735 -1.539733
NE22 7DP 0 55.144745 -1.546689
NE22 7DL 4 55.145637 -1.587817
NE22 7DN 7 55.144833 -1.587793
NE22 7DF 6 55.145488 -1.588885
NE22 7DQ 6 55.146337 -1.591182
NE22 7DR 3 55.139914 -1.567326