all postcodes in NE22 / BEDLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE22 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE22 7EY 0 55.141877 -1.558519
NE22 7EZ 0 55.140853 -1.561166
NE22 7HA 0 55.14082 -1.559613
NE22 7HB 0 55.140552 -1.559836
NE22 7HD 0 55.141686 -1.562773
NE22 7HE 0 55.140911 -1.562358
NE22 7HF 0 55.14108 -1.564379
NE22 7HG 0 55.14161 -1.564217
NE22 7HH 0 55.140193 -1.56246
NE22 7HJ 0 55.139751 -1.562072
NE22 7HL 0 55.139257 -1.564635
NE22 7HN 0 55.139538 -1.566231
NE22 7HP 0 55.141104 -1.558575
NE22 7HQ 0 55.140726 -1.563207
NE22 7HR 0 55.152601 -1.577216
NE22 7HW 0 55.140033 -1.566586
NE22 7JE 3 55.140506 -1.567272
NE22 7JF 4 55.140625 -1.567679
NE22 7JG 3 55.141215 -1.56681
NE22 7JH 0 55.142012 -1.566001