all postcodes in NE23 / CRAMLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE23 7BA 19 0 55.057247 -1.5793
NE23 7BB 8 0 55.056644 -1.578962
NE23 7BD 8 3 55.05619 -1.578058
NE23 7BE 3 2 55.056037 -1.577513
NE23 7BF 36 28 55.063587 -1.581049
NE23 7BG 34 0 55.055383 -1.580729
NE23 7BH 12 0 55.054977 -1.585492
NE23 7BJ 16 0 55.054492 -1.582773
NE23 7BL 23 0 55.055002 -1.579762
NE23 7BN 17 0 55.055389 -1.585533
NE23 7BP 32 0 55.054775 -1.586887
NE23 7BQ 7 0 55.0549 -1.581266
NE23 7BS 63 0 55.054779 -1.587873
NE23 7BT 4 0 55.057595 -1.583711
NE23 7BU 7 0 55.057232 -1.582713
NE23 7BW 12 0 55.054438 -1.585544
NE23 7BX 9 0 55.05786 -1.582237
NE23 7BY 12 0 55.057999 -1.580842
NE23 7BZ 20 0 55.057989 -1.583394
NE23 7DA 20 0 55.058284 -1.582812