all postcodes in NE23 / CRAMLINGTON

find any address or company within the NE23 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE23 8DL 14 0 55.08519 -1.602036
NE23 8DN 12 0 55.086153 -1.6027
NE23 8DP 7 0 55.085846 -1.599335
NE23 8DQ 33 0 55.085101 -1.599671
NE23 8DR 15 0 55.085859 -1.603282
NE23 8DS 19 0 55.085647 -1.601655
NE23 8DT 18 0 55.08547 -1.599918
NE23 8DU 29 0 55.085454 -1.603177
NE23 8DW 12 0 55.085932 -1.6009
NE23 8DX 7 0 55.086929 -1.603601
NE23 8DY 10 0 55.086807 -1.60202
NE23 8DZ 11 0 55.086567 -1.600158
NE23 8EA 7 0 55.086518 -1.598717
NE23 8EB 15 0 55.086553 -1.603887
NE23 8ED 11 0 55.086752 -1.604339
NE23 8EE 11 0 55.085439 -1.603913
NE23 8EF 11 0 55.086308 -1.600583
NE23 8EG 14 0 55.086463 -1.601083
NE23 8EH 5 3 55.08432 -1.605334
NE23 8EJ 37 0 55.084564 -1.603139