all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 0FF 54 1 55.076376 -1.531581
NE25 0FG 34 0 55.076812 -1.530573
NE25 0FH 20 0 55.0765 -1.528933
NE25 0FJ 18 0 55.077141 -1.529708
NE25 0FL 9 0 55.07583 -1.529896
NE25 0DF 0 55.065936 -1.5346
NE25 0BF 0 55.070924 -1.518584
NE25 0DD 10 0 55.071929 -1.525055
NE25 0PF 0 55.078756 -1.538961
NE25 0PL 0 55.078297 -1.540596
NE25 0PQ 0 55.077907 -1.53789
NE25 0PU 0 55.078771 -1.539933
NE25 0QD 0 55.079126 -1.538864
NE25 0QE 0 55.078655 -1.536174
NE25 0QU 0 55.079182 -1.537703
NE25 0FN 24 0 55.077792 -1.529026
NE25 0FP 12 0 55.078367 -1.528941
NE25 0FQ 19 0 55.078143 -1.528522
NE25 0FR 33 0 55.077958 -1.527755
NE25 0FS 7 0 55.076938 -1.528207