all postcodes in NE25 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE25 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE25 8JW 1 55.039108 -1.463852
NE25 8JX 0 55.037816 -1.455845
NE25 8LN 9 55.040334 -1.466404
NE25 8LP 0 55.039957 -1.468569
NE25 8LR 0 55.038818 -1.469257
NE25 8LS 0 55.039414 -1.469953
NE25 8LT 1 55.041329 -1.468066
NE25 8LU 0 55.040537 -1.469876
NE25 8LW 0 55.039577 -1.467964
NE25 8LX 0 55.040581 -1.471628
NE25 8LY 0 55.042209 -1.47001
NE25 8LZ 0 55.041731 -1.471612
NE25 8NA 0 55.040458 -1.472286
NE25 8NB 0 55.039112 -1.470614
NE25 8ND 0 55.038213 -1.470579
NE25 8NF 0 55.03896 -1.470929
NE25 8NG 0 55.039773 -1.471763
NE25 8NH 0 55.039933 -1.473404
NE25 8NJ 0 55.041128 -1.473373
NE25 8NL 0 55.040254 -1.474918