all postcodes in NE26 / WHITLEY BAY

find any address or company within the NE26 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE26 1HR 21 0 55.056699 -1.45872
NE26 1HS 12 0 55.056474 -1.458457
NE26 1HT 8 0 55.057041 -1.458762
NE26 1HU 9 0 55.056297 -1.459148
NE26 1HW 44 0 55.056458 -1.457064
NE26 1HX 8 0 55.056848 -1.459845
NE26 1HY 8 0 55.056655 -1.460943
NE26 1HZ 19 0 55.055947 -1.461297
NE26 1JA 4 0 55.05664 -1.461523
NE26 1JB 4 0 55.056506 -1.462102
NE26 1JD 16 0 55.056001 -1.457273
NE26 1JE 22 0 55.055661 -1.459595
NE26 1JF 8 0 55.056229 -1.459978
NE26 1JG 28 0 55.055775 -1.457041
NE26 1JH 28 0 55.055261 -1.456641
NE26 1JJ 39 0 55.054841 -1.459183
NE26 1JL 4 0 55.055187 -1.458176
NE26 1JN 4 0 55.055684 -1.458749
NE26 1JP 10 0 55.055768 -1.455398
NE26 1JQ 18 0 55.055155 -1.459038