all postcodes in NE28 / WALLSEND

find any address or company within the NE28 postcode district

Postcode Area

NE / Newcastle upon Tyne

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
NE28 0BE 4 4 54.995433 -1.492416
NE28 0BL 4 0 54.992551 -1.493249
NE28 0BU 14 1 54.999156 -1.49526
NE28 0BW 53 0 54.996058 -1.500161
NE28 0BX 14 0 55.000309 -1.495903
NE28 0BY 57 0 55.000829 -1.493442
NE28 0BZ 44 0 54.999496 -1.494959
NE28 0DA 32 0 55.000568 -1.493398
NE28 0DB 27 0 54.999146 -1.492869
NE28 0DD 22 0 54.999339 -1.493929
NE28 0DE 29 0 54.99986 -1.493985
NE28 0DF 37 0 55.000283 -1.491901
NE28 0DG 14 0 55.000623 -1.491615
NE28 0DH 23 0 54.999664 -1.49219
NE28 0DJ 44 0 54.999252 -1.490273
NE28 0DL 42 0 55.001021 -1.489906
NE28 0DN 38 0 55.002335 -1.494892
NE28 0DP 34 0 55.001299 -1.494202
NE28 0DQ 28 2 54.99929 -1.49293
NE28 0DR 7 0 55.001732 -1.496776